Syltferry leaving the port of List on Sylt.

Arrival information

No matter which trip you book with FRS Travel, the journey to the hotel is relaxed and uncomplicated by boat. Information on how to get to the respective ports can be found on this page.

Martin Elsen Aerial view of the Havneby berth, with the “Syltexpress” moored.

Journey to the Syltferry to Havneby

The two Syltferries take you quickly and comfortably from Havneby on Rømø to List on Sylt. Information on how to get to Havneby can be found here.

Havneby on Rømø
Martin Elsen Luftansicht des "Römöexpress", am Anleger in Havneby.

Journey to the Syltferry to List

The two Syltferries take you quickly and comfortably from List on Sylt to Havneby on Rømø. Information on how to get to List can be found here.

List on Sylt
Luftansicht des "Halunder Jet" auf See.

Journey to FRS Helgoline in Hamburg

With the FRS Helgoline you can choose between the ports of Hamburg, Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven on the outward journey. Information on how to get to Hamburg can be found here.


Journey to FRS Helgoline in Brunsbüttel

With the FRS Helgoline you can choose between the ports of Hamburg, Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven on the outward journey. Information about the journey to Brunsbüttel can be found here.

Seitenansicht des "Halunder Jet" auf See.

Journey to the FRS Helgoline to Cuxhaven

With the FRS Helgoline you can choose between the ports of Hamburg, Brunsbüttel and Cuxhaven on the outward journey. Information about the journey to Cuxhaven can be found here.


Foto Raake "Halunder Jet" vor Helgoland.

Journey to FRS Helgoline on Heligoland

You can find out exactly where FRS Helgoline departs from on Heligoland on this page.
